It’s Getting Hot In Here

Say a big “hello” to Thursday. I have had a great day and I hope you have too. My roommate and I have been watch “X-Factor” videos all morning…I know it has nothing to do with weddings, but I tell you there are some INSANELY talented kids out there Anyway, as a Minnesotan I am required to love bonfires. You know, in middle school and high school you’d go to the bonfires and it was a huge party. Now, bonfires are a sentimental thing and a relaxing thing. And as a Minnesotan I feel obligated to share my bonfire love with you, through weddings. Because apparently, I am not the only one who loves them. Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you: bonfire weddings. Eat Drink PrettyBliss Wedding BlogGreen Wedding ShoesStyle Me PrettyThe Sweetest OccasionDaniel Stark PhotographyMartha Stewart WeddingsSnippet and Ink

Style Me PrettyCapitol Romance100 Layer Cake

This entry was published on October 25, 2012 at 1:42 pm and is filed under Planning. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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